Friday, February 8, 2008

Question or... Wondering...

Hmmm... So last night I awoke horrifically over-heated and shaking. I don't remember a bad dream, but I do remember those times right after having Charis where I awoke quite warm. Last night I actually had to get something to eat and cool down. Btw I always wear light clothing, turn off the heat at night (it gets down into the early 20's and or teens), and only have one cover on the bed. So, I am not sure what happened last night but pray that it will not happen again. Any thoughts from those who have had children? Is this common? Just thought I would share and ask! Thanks for contemplating! :)


Rachel said...

Sorry, that is SO not pleasant. I remember waking up incredibly hot - practically dripping wet and no, not milk - for several months after having Luke. I am not sure for how long it went on, but I do know that it has not happened recently. I think it has something to do with hormones. Not sure why it happened to you so late in the game, but hopefully it was a fluke thing and will NOT happen again.

Tracy said...

I remember the same. Could you be pregnant again?

K. Humby said...

Oh dear,... I hope not!!! I do not think it is possible...

Beth said...

Same thing here -- it is so frustrating, too. I haven't struggled AS much recently -- but it was a CONSTANT problem soon after Colin was born.

The Budget Mommy: said...

I had it a few times after Emma was born, but mostly in the first few weeks.