Friday, September 7, 2007

Laughs and ... one more question!?!

Ok... So, I do not know how much you guys enjoy listening to talk show hosts... But, I find
myself listening rather frequently on my way to work as the ride is not really long enough to
absorb any other more edifying choices. Two stories shared today on the Rush program I found quite amusing:

1) It seems that a school located on Madison St. (I don't remember the particulars.) thought it would be cute as well intellectually-wise to name their brand-new public school after our fourth president. Please forgive me for not knowing exactly what grades were covered, but let's just say for the story's sake that is was a middle school... the name was: James A. Madison Middle School. Unfortunately, upon the opening people began to realize that the president did not even have a middle name! :) OOPS! No one seemed to know how the middle initial came to be.

2) There is an Asian elementary school who was interviewing children for pre-school.... There were restrictions placed on the hopeful applicants... any child who desired to be accepted must have a found head/face!!! LOL! (Dear me! I would never pass!!!)


Now for the question, and I will make it short.... For those who have slings, sorry..., what particular kind do you like best. I think that I will attempt to make mine as Rebecca so kindly suggested and gave patterns for... BUT, I cannot even begin to know which one to make: padded, pocketed, etc. There seems to be way too many options, and how would I know which one is best!?!


Rebecca said...

The basic maya style ring sling is the most adjustable, easy to use, and functional as far as I've heard. I've read that the padded ones are a pain though I've never tried one myself. I'd love to try a hotsling type (tube sling- no rings!), but I've yet to get one. The ring slings are extremely useful, flexible, and so practical. There's a slight learning curve but once you get the hang of it, you'll be addicted!

Beth said...


I have the NoJo sling -- and it had padding in the shoulder area. I'd recommend it, depending on your baby's weight (my first two were quite big -- and this one seems to be no different in utero so far!).

I hope you are happy with what you end up having! :-)

K. Humby said...

For those who could not quite understand, I think Katie meant to say 'round head/face', not 'found'!

Rachel said...

Here is a link to patterns for MANY types of carriers.
I have been wanting one also, but just don't know what kind. I really would like it to be pretty much hands-free as well as having the weight comfortably and evenly distributed. Let me know if you find a winner!!!!

Rachel said...

Another awesome sight:
Just look on the left at the Sight Navigation. It has videos - different carriers being used different ways - suggestions for age, patterns, etc.