Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Creation Science Museum

We had a lovely time with my

sister Martha today visiting the
Creation Science Museum!

I can sympathize with Eve!!!:) as seen below...

The life-like scenes were very well done. I am not sure exactly what the figures were made of but they seemed at times quite life-like!

The beauties of the botanical garden were almost as enjoyable as the museum as we chose a rather crowded day to be touring the facility!

Of course... the beauties of God's creation always far surpass man's attempt to mimic it.

I hope that the brief glimpse of the museum pics was enjoyable to all... Now all of you will have to come up and visit us in Ohio, as there is
now a reason to do so! :)


Beth said...

I wish we could. :( Pictures are great though.

Kristy said...

Hi Katie! Great pictures. Lee's a charter member of the museum, so it's high up on our list of places to go. We almost went in May, but didn't make it. We don't know when we'll make it - but hope to visit when we do!
Kristy Nickles (not sure how much is on my profile - thought I'd clarify...)