Monday, October 29, 2007

~Birth Story ~

As some of you have requested a more detailed account of what transpired during Charis' birth, I hope to fill in the blanks with this post, but before that... I have to say that I have learned a few things that I did not know before:

1) I never knew that baby's made sooooo much noise when they sleep. It is as if they decide to keep you awake whether awake or sleeping.

2) I never knew that a baby could manage to use the restroom (to be delicate) in three different directions -- on the wall, the changer, and me.

3) I never knew that breastfed babies gained both weight and height so quickly. Charis was 7lbs. 6oz. at birth, but dropped 5 oz. and is now 8lbs. 9oz. She was 19 1/2 inches at birth and is now 20 3/4 inches.

4) I never knew, but am delightfully surprised, to find that postpartum moms can lose weight so quickly. :)

Now on to the birth story...

Signs that early labor was beginning started on the 8th of October. I really believe that I could have urged my body into active labor, but as I had been advised to sleep if tired, I managed to force myself to sleep and then enjoyed the following day walking at the mall with Sean and resting. The evening of the 9th after having painless contractions all day, contractions became definitely more noticeable. I managed to doze for a couple of hours but then awoke around 2 am, and thought, "finally, this is the real thing!" I used "contraction master" via the internet in order to count the minutes between and the length. Around 6 am I decided that a trip to the hospital was sounding more and more inviting. I woke Sean up, called family members, and then called my doula about quarter to 7 (attempting to allow her as much sleep time as possible! :). She arrived about an hour later, and we then headed to the hospital after contacting the necessary people: doctor, attending nurse, etc.

Upon checking in at the birthing center (one of 9 birthing centers actually attached to a hospital in the States, and we providentially live at the other end of the street...), they took me straight up to the birthing center and even allowed me to choose my favorite room! For some reason, I really did not feel up to decision making and asked which they would suggest.

I wish I could say that I immediately assumed my most comfortable position, but I simply could not find a position remotely comfortable or relieving, as I had been led to believe was possible. :) I think this is what surprised me most about the whole birthing experience. I honestly thought that there would be a position that would somewhat suppress the pain I experienced whether on the birthing ball, sitting in the glider, relaxing in the jacuzzi, etc. This was not to be. The nurse did check me upon arrival (about 9 am), however, and I was already fully effaced and 6-7 cm dilated -- a wonderful answer to my prayers after hearing of other friends who took so long to reach that point. After sitting in the jacuzzi, walking the halls, and then leaning on Sean, I finally thought maybe pushing was the next item on the agenda. I do have to point out that again, despite what I had been told, I did not experience the internal desire to "push." I think those who were assisting simply knew based on my rather emotional responses!!! Two thoughts kept rushing through my head during this final stage... "This is just like one of those horrible rides at a theme park that you want to abort but cannot!!!" And secondly, " I wonder if I just held my breath and passed out if they would be forced to just get this baby out of me!!!" My doula along with Sean and the attending nurse made sure, however, that I did not get the chance to "hold my breath."

I must interpose at this point, how exceedingly gracious and loving our God is to provide such a hospital so wonderfully staffed. I am not certain about my doctor's beliefs but the nurse, my doula, and of course, Sean are believers, and I could not have asked for better support during this time!!! Sean was the one upon whom I leaned, quite literally for about 6 hours, my doula put up with my nonsense and continually massaged and talked me through contractions, and if it had not been for the attending nurse during the last hour, I think I would never have made it. She politely got right in my face and told me exactly how to push and even accompanied this advice with facial expressions. My doctor was the one who kept everything calm, asking that the computer noises be turned off, telling the nurse that she did not have to check me yet again with the fetal, heartbeat monitor (which for some reason was driving me "crazy"), applying hot compresses, telling me when exactly and how much to push, etc. I would drive straight back to this hospital without hesitation in order to have any future baby(ies) with his assistance, if possible! One hour and fifteen minutes later at 12:57 pm, Charis Bobbett Humby made her appearance.

Though I am not the most quiet of birthing moms, apparently, I am quite polite. I asked if I could "please" push a number of times, and even apologized to my doctor for accidentally almost spitting in his face (My aim was true, but he quickly dodged.).

In closure, Sean and I are both so grateful for everyone's prayers, encouragement, and gifts. God has provided for us in every possible way, and we have been richly blessed!!! Much love to all...



Elizabeth said...

Good story, Katie. Your support staff sound great! I guess Jen & I are the only ones who don't have a birthing center nearby. I think Jen told me that there isn't one in the whole state, right Jen? Thanks for sharing!

j.j. said...

Thanks for sharing Katie. So you pushed for a little over an hour? How wonderful that you were so far along once you arrived at the birth center. (That is another thing I did not appreciate about induction - you have to be at the hospital the entire time. No laboring at home.)I think it is so neat that you and Kelley both had Christian nurses and doulas. Wow!
Yes, my doula said there is one good birth center in the state and I think it is located in Savannah maybe??

Kelley said...

I used the contraction master as well although I eventually got to a point where I didn't want to know how long they were or how far a part since they were so painful. I also agree that I had a hard time finding a comfortable position - none really were comfortable but some did give me a small amount of relief.

Elizabeth said...

never heard of the contraction master. I could have used that when I was sitting cross legged in my closet trying not to disturb Josh, trying to keep track with an old stop watch. :-) Josh was super sick that evening throwing up which was why I was trying not to disturb him.

Beth said...

Love the things you didn't know. Little boys add the random squrts everywhere as well. lol Could you tell how fast breastfed babies grow from my boys just to name 2? :) Glad you are losing weight so fast, I did too, but now I'm a little too low for my taste... 138 and Andy is getting worried.

I'm so thankful that you had the birth you did. I'm sure it was painful, but you did a beautiful job from what I have heard.

The Budget Mommy: said...

Some of us hate you for losing weight already...Some of us are still working on it!!!
I couldn't get comfy either. I ended up basically kneeling on the bed at the hospital for a LONG time. The ball, the chair, basically just sitting hurt me so badly that I couldn't withstand a full contraction in them. So I know what you mean. The tub was very helpful as well.
There are no birthing centers here?! Man. So it's home birth or hospital. We need a birthing center!

Rachel said...

I love the 4 things you never knew - babies sure are a true learning experience! What a great birth story and the wonderful thing is that you made it!!!! Way to go, girl!!!!!!