Friday, September 28, 2007

Update... and ramblings!

Well, I missed my change to beat Kelley Collins!!! :( Oh well! No, I am so excited for her that her little one was born. Babies seem to be flying from all corners! It is a wonderful time, and I am so happy for you guys who live close to enjoy each other's little ones and see them grow. For the rest of us... blogging will have to suffice! :(

As everyone knows, I do quite a bit of violin teaching. I believe my private student number is up to about 20 + at the moment. I plan to take only two weeks off from my teaching schedule when the baby is born!?! We shall see how it goes. Since everyone I know seems to be running late according to their birthing date, I have a recital planned for the 6'th and am even "planning" on teaching my students from Indianapolis on the 10'th, granted they are traveling here! Anyhow, I am straying from the topic. I have just now fully realized what a blessing it is for kids to grow up with Christian parents who raise them in a godly manner (I know I am a little slow), after having taught the kids that I am currently instructing. Not that each parent doesn't love their child and strongly desire to bring them up well, but there is a difference between a parent whose goals are Godly development and one who does thing only because that is what is socially best for their child. I was contemplating these thoughts after an unusually rough day yesterday, and thought... What is their goal? Why should the child not throw a tantrum? What end benefit is there? For those of us who know Christ, we can point our covenant children to the Word and teach them that they must in all things glorify God. They can in turn see the love that He displays to us in all things throughout the day. But... what about these other children? It is indeed difficult to minister to them, and I would covet your prayers as I attempt to do so.

Not that I am the one strongly desiring a "ton" of kids :), but it is exciting even more so to me to watch those parents whose kids are well-behaved, thoughtful, polite, obedient, etc. What an encouragement and how it increases my appreciation for those parents of small/large families who have done such a wonderful job of raring godly offspring!!! I can only hope to emulate such examples.

Now on to some photos which were not exactly taken for the enjoyment of the public, I had just gotten back from the gym, my hair is a bit mussed, and ... Well, they speak for themselves, but I can't believe how large I have gotten!!! AND these were taken a few days ago!!! :) Enjoy!

Side -on



Elizabeth said...

Why are you traveling to Indianapolis again? Are you going to keep the same schedule once baby comes or have you built in nursing times, etc? Are you planning on child care? Now, soon?

Also, you can edit your posts when you do catch typos. That's what they are, really. You don't actually think that chance is spelled change. And typos are much less problematic that spelling errors. It just means that your FINGERS got twisted not your brain.

Rachel said...

First of all, you look GREAT!!! Your face is not even swollen at all. How about your ankles and feet? It does not particularly look like Charis has dropped (at least in the photo). Has your midwife mentioned if she is head down and which direction she is facing. You are rather "pointy" in the middle. I can't believe how close your due date is and I can't wait to come up there and see you guys.
Do you know how to edit a post?

K. Humby said...

Yes, thanks for the info about being able to edit a post. I don't think that I know how though... :(

The midwife did seem to think that Charis had dropped a bit last appnt. which might have been after that photo was shot!?! She has been head down for a couple of wks now.

In regard to work, Liz, I am teaching for a homeschool program. I will travel to Indy eventually but not now until I feel well enough to do so. They are coming here for the time being. Sean's work is also mostly done at home, so... there will be no child care other than what we will provide together while juggling our schedules. My baby will definitely have to go on a feeding schedule asap. Thankfully, my sister-in-law has a great pump that she is lending to me. Of course, God could choose to give me one of those babies that absolutely refuses a bottle???!!!
:( Than... so much for my plans. :)
We are both flexible, thankfully. Sean could come to my work place, or I could attempt to rearrange my hours at work to here at home. We shall see!

j.j. said...

Katie - you do look great...even though you seem not to like to smile =)
Both my girls seem to have learned to take a bottle of expressed milk.Since I was (and still am, though not as much) teaching and gigging it was important that they take a bottle on occasion. I read somewhere that you should offer the first bottle sometime between 2-6 weeks.
When is your due date?