Monday, June 18, 2007


Dear Friends,

In answer to you dilemma regarding the T or F post!?! Number One is actually the false statement. I may play violin decently, but not that well! :) Sorry! Everyone guessed well.
I actually had never really listened to Bob Marley before marrying Sean, but sort of
enjoy his music (only... not his ethics, beliefs, or etc.) now. I believe Rachel is entitled to the winners prize, whatever that may be! BUT, congrats to all who participated!!!


Beth said...

You learn to enjoy new things when you get married don't you? :) Love the new pic of you.

Rachel said...

I have to confess. Mom and I discussed them together. Without her, I might have guessed #1, but then again, I might have picked another number:)

K. Humby said...

That's funny! So, mom assisted with the game! I didn't like the first one due to its rather "bragging" nature. However, I thought that by its bluntness, those guessing would assume it was truthful!

tracykwoodard said...

Er, I woulda guessed the Peru answer, since I thought you and Ren were in Brazil....