Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Our Trip to the UK

For those of you interested... Sean and I recently arrived home from a delightful trip to the UK (Scotland and Ireland). Despite a not-so-wonderful journey home, only to find a package with its
contents stolen AND a house reeking due a fridge full of rotten food because our power company mistook us for another tenant (and NO, there will be not footage of this brown, repulsive slime which came gushing out of the freezer door when Sean bravely investigated), --Oh yes! On to the end result -- We had a lovely time spent with close friends of Sean's! The following are just a few photos out of our many:

Ok... So I really do not know how to put the photos
were I want them... but enjoy anyhow!


Rachel said...

And I was just about to ask, "How did you lay them out so nicely all over the page?" My are usually center in a column - not quite as attractive. They are beautiful!

K. Humby said...

Hmm... when you get the choice to add a pic... on the same pg as your "browse"... it ask you how you want to place it.. center, R, L, none...? Well, I just kept changing it for each! It annoys me that I can't just pick the pic up and move it!!! Thanks though!

Kelley said...

When we went to Disney World when I was six the water line to the ice maker burst and gushed water all over our kitchen floor. I don't know what day it happened but we were gone for a week and it was so bad my dad had to rip up and replace the subfloor. From that poin on he started turning water off to the house if we were going to be gone any length of time in case a pipe or line burst.

Kudos to Sean for being brave enough to open the fridge. Having a guy to do the yucky stuff is one of the benefits of marriage. :-)

j.j. said...

Wow - it looks beautiful over there. Ben and I would both love to make a trip there someday.
So have you been sick up until now? For me that is the worst part of the whole pregnancy - including labor and delivery!!! Feeling horrible for 4 months staight is just gross!
I'm glad you're better now =)

Kevin, Sonya, Claire & Max said...

Hi Katie. I am Sonya Ramsey (already that should tell you more information about me than I know about you). I just followed your link from Rachels blog. I am a blog suffer and I know how bloggers love comments so I thought I would say hi. I am married to a Patricks youngest brother and we just had a little baby girl 9 months ago.. andit was wonderful.

we;ll I am off to cruise for new blogs.


Autumn said...

Hello. My name is Autumn. I saw your name on Rachel's blog. She is my pastors wife. I believe that you teach my friend Magdalena violin.She wrote me a letter recently and told me how beautiful it is when you play the violin.
Well, I just thought that I would drop in and say hello. You have a very nice blog.
God Bless,